Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

Notes 31 December
31 December
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment, net 4 406,257 389,671
Construction in progress 5 73,106 80,386
Lease prepayments 22,262 22,955
Goodwill 6 29,920 29,923
Intangible assets 7 12,391 11,244
Interests in associates 9 35,726 34,572
Investments 10 1,154 1,535
Deferred tax assets 11 5,479 5,061
Other assets 19 3,349 3,077
Total non-current assets 589,644 578,424
Current assets
Inventories 12 4,123 5,106
Income tax recoverable 693 50
Accounts receivable, net 13 22,096 21,465
Prepayments and other current assets 14 22,128 19,565
Short-term bank deposits 3,100 3,331
Cash and cash equivalents 15 19,410 24,617
Total current assets 71,550 74,134
Total assets 661,194 652,558
Notes 31 December
31 December
Current liabilities
Short-term debt 16 54,558 40,780
Current portion of long-term debt and payable 16 1,146 62,276
Accounts payable 17 119,321 1 22,493
Accrued expenses and other payables 18 98,695 91,173
Income tax payable 404 1,106
Current portion of finance lease obligations 51 52
Current portion of deferred revenues 19 1,233 1,253
Total current liabilities 275,408 319,133
Net current liabilities (203,858) (244,999)
Total assets less current liabilities 385,786 333,425
Non-current liabilities
Long-term debt 16 48,596 9,370
Finance lease obligations 26 50
Deferred revenues 19 1,828 2,305
Deferred tax liabilities 11 8,010 4,770
Other non-current liabilities 629 582
Total non-current liabilities 59,089 17,077
Total liabilities 334,497 336,210
Share capital 20 80,932 80,932
Reserves 21 244,935 234,445
Total equity attributable to
equity holders of the Company
325,867 315,377
Non-controlling interests 830 971
Total equity 326,697 316,348
Total liabilities and equity 661,194 652,558

Approved and authorised for issue by the Board of Directors on 28 March 2018.

Yang Jie
Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer
Liu Aili
Executive Director,
President and
Chief Operating Officer
Gao Tongqing
Executive Director and
Executive Vice President

My Annual Report

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